First, Update My Website

When I decided to reissue all my previous publications this year, I actually started with my website. When my website guru, Julie, and I first designed this site, I was getting ready to publish two books, Lost Mothers and Every New Beginning. Now, however, there will be six more books. Julie and I agreed: time to update my website.

I started where I started six years ago, looking at other websites to see what appealed to me and what didn’t. Then, over dinner and wine, Julie and I looked at those websites, she sketched out ideas and possibilities, and we discussed what could be cut from the original website and what needed to be added as we update my website. Our meeting ended with a long to-do list for her and a shorter one for me.

Once we had each completed our to-do lists, we met again. Over dinner and wine, we went over her “rough draft” of the website. We tweaked and tinkered and discussed, and finally—we were on coffee by this time—we agreed on how the new and improved website should look. We parted again, with our new to-do lists.

Julie has finished her list; I have two more items left on mine. That means that within the new couple of weeks, I will be proudly unveiling my updated website. It will still feature Lost Mothers and Every New Beginning, but also my first reprinted book: Tailor-Made. Tailor-Made will be on sale shortly after the website launch. The next reissued book, The Perfect Mix, will be published a month after that.

So, come back soon to check out my new website, and to see the sales and promotions I will be offering for all my books!

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